If you live near the Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor estuary and see a lot of strange cars pull up in front of your house this week, don’t worry, they aren’t coming for you.
Friends of the Bay, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to water quality protection, has partnered with Fuss & O’Neill, Inc. as well as representatives of the Town of Oyster Bay to conduct stream and upland field assessments within the Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor watershed. Several teams will perform stream walks and observe the surrounding land in order to identify priority restoration projects in the area.
The result of the assessments and potential future projects will be described in reports released for public input later this year. The assessments will be conducted between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. during the week of August 24. Friends of the Bay says they will do their best to avoid private property.