Peekaboo Pointe brings her burlesque act to LI
By Ariel Gononsky
A different form of entertainment is making its way to Long Island this summer—something people may describe as retro-chic, swanky…even risqué. Table 9 Restaurant in East Hills is hosting a series of summer events, kicking off on July 9 with a show called “Burlesque.” No, not stripping: burlesque. In burlesque, the performance is sexy but without actual nudity, and the dancers provide the audience with a comedic experience. The show at Table 9 features, in particular, one spectacular performer called Peeakaboo Pointe. Referred to as the “fastest tassel-twirler from East to West,” Pointe is a regular entertainer at burlesque shows in New York City. She literally takes seductive dancing to the next level, as she performs shows on the trapeze. Her skills are not limited to the stage, as she has appeared on popular television shows including the CW hit Gossip Girl. This will be her first time performing on Long Island, but not her first time showing other Long Islanders her skill: Pointe taught burlesque and pole-dancing classes at a studio in Nassau County. Pointe’s performances have been described as scintillating and legendary, and she spent a few minutes with us to give us the lowdown on what to expect.
Long Island Press: How did you get involved in the burlesque industry?
Peeakaboo Pointe: I have danced and performed all my life, and when I moved to New York City eight years ago, I was dancing with a modern dance company, and I thought that it would be fun to try something new. So, I took a burlesque class taught by Ducky Doolittle. From there I was asked to do a burlesque show. I thought it would be just one show, but I loved it. I felt more at home on the burlesque stage than I had ever felt dancing. I found my true love. It is now my full-time job.
LIP: So how is burlesque different from striptease?
PP: It has the same basic traits, i.e., the strip and the sensuality of it. But burlesque is more of an art form. The costumes are generally handmade by the performer, the numbers are usually only three to five minutes and are fully choreographed, and there is more of an artistic concept in a burlesque act. It is truly entertaining, and a burlesque audience generally consists more of women than men!
LIP: Where did your stage name come from?
PP: I thought it was fun, and I picked it based on the idea that I would only be doing one show: I did my first show on ballet pointe shoes. Later, I found it far too limiting to perform on pointe all the time.

LIP: What college did you get your degree from and what was your major?
PP: I have a BFA in dance (performance and choreography) from George Mason University
LIP: How would you describe a typical day in the life of Peekaboo Pointe?
PP: I usually wake up around 10, go to some sort of class—yoga, pole dancing, ballet etc. I might make costumes, answer e-mails, think of new acts, go out for lunch with friends, or ride my bike around Brooklyn. Then I usually perform in the evenings. I perform about five nights a week. If I don’t have a show, then I will cook a delicious meal, and drink some wine and relax with friends in the evening.
LIP: Are you looking forward to performing on Long Island this summer, a different location than your usual city venues? Are you planning any additional LI performances after this one?
PP: I am very much looking forward to it! And of course I would love to do more LI performances, all I need is to be asked!
Peekaboo Pointe will be performing at Table 9 Restaurant in East Hills on July 9. This is the kickoff event to the summer entertainment series hosted by Miller Thyme @ Table 9. Albert Cadabra from New York City’s Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum and the Fisherman Vibraphonic Trio will also be providing magic and music along with performers Ms. Tickle, Harvest Moon and Mr. Kenny Law. Get your tickets by calling 516-625-9099 or visit www.table9restaurant.com.