Diagnosis: Republican
As a registered Republican and health care worker in a social services work environment (a combination that doesn’t routinely go together), I whole-heartedly applaud you for your recent “Off the Reservation” article about the GOP. I cannot believe the behavior of the party as a whole and how it seems that individualism is dead for Republicans. Aren’t there at least a few Republicans in Congress that think with a mind of their own? It has become amusing to watch as they all shake their heads in a synchronized fashion in distain of the Obama Administration, despite what is good for the American people. Isn’t humility still a word in the GOP dictionary? I thought the GOP denounces big government, but I guess the exception is when it is big GOP. Somehow ignorance and mindlessness go together here. As always, nice writing Jed.
Kristie Golden
I want to congratulate you for your honest review of the “new” Republican party. As a registered Republican, I have been ashamed of the representatives we have sent to Washington. They have truly embarrassed themselves and the American people with their steadfast refusal to cooperate with the Democrats. They have really become the party of “no.” They are beginning to believe that Glenn Beck, Palin and Rush will be the new saviors to save America, as they spew hatred. I commend you for the comments and hope that many more true Republicans will let their voices be heard and not drowned out by Tea Party activists. It is interesting the many senior citizens who are members of the Tea Party—who want small government, less taxes and less government involvement in their lives—are not refusing their Social Security payments or their Medicare benefits. Keep up the good work, Jed.
Name Withheld Upon Request
Down With the B Word
Hi Michael: I just finished reading your article entitled “Shock and Horror” [“Sonic Boom,” March 25] and your comments on “Sexy Bitch” are spot on. It seems absurd to me that the least disrespectful words Akon and David can come up with are “Sexy Bitch.” In general, being called a bitch is an insult, not a compliment. How have we as a society forgotten that?! The crux of the problem with Top 40 songs is not that some of the songs are oversexed but that most of the songs are oversexed.
Best wishes,
Trista Garttner
Garden City