The latest diet craze in France is getting picked up by celebrities, and possibly princess-to-be Kate Middleton.
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Dr. Pierre Dukan, a neurologist, created the nutrition plan inspired by both the Atkins diet and Weight Watchers. The Dukan diet involves four phases; attack, cruise, consolidation and stabilization. The first stage, attack, only allows protein-rich foods; the second, cruise, adds in vegetables, but no fruit; the third, consolidation, adds bread, cheese, fruit and two desserts; and the last, stabilization, involves one day of strict protein and six days of anything.
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Rumors that Middleton has been getting her body wedding-ready, and the fact that her mother started the Dukan diet in Novemeber, has caused many to think that she too is using the program to squeeze into her wedding dress.
Celebrities who reportedly use Dukan include Jennifer Lopez and Nicole Kidman.
Americans will be able to buy the book, which says the diet is “The Real Real Reason the French Stay Thin,” in April.